This Moment Book Preview: Table of Contents


*UPDATE: This Moment is now available! Learn more about the book and pick up a copy here:

This Moment is now less than a month away! I couldn't be more excited to bring it to you and I think you'll find it very practical for everyday application but also quite vast and far-reaching as far as the total material the book covers. If you haven't signed up to get new information for the book when it's available, you can go here and put in your name and email:

I tried to keep the book at around 100 pages (I originally wanted it to be a shorter book), but so far it looks like I've missed my mark by about x2 that, so you can imagine just how much is included in the book. It might end up matching the size of Zen for Everyday Life. Which considering its size, is saying something.

As we're getting into the last few weeks before release, I wanted to give everyone a quick "sneak peek" into the contents of the book and what better way than with the table of contents?

So here it is, the table of contents for my upcoming book, This Moment: How to Live Fully and Freely in the Present Moment:

Table of Contents


PART 1: Living Mindfully

    1. Mindfulness: The Ground of Peace
    2. Being Fully of This Moment
    3. Breath as Life
    4. Making Friends with Yourself
    5. Seeing Deeply and the Importance of Insight
    6. Making Mindfulness a Way of Life

PART 2: Living Simply

    1. This Moment
    2. 4-Fold Path to Peace
    3. Mindful Consumption & The Garden of Consciousness
    4. One-pointed Mind
    5. Easeful Discipline and Daily Practice

PART 3: Living Naturally

    1. Opening Yourself Fully to This Moment
    2. Living as if You’re Going to Die in This Moment
    3. Being Yourself in Every Moment
    4. Holding On, Letting Go, and Starting Anew
    5. Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary

PART 4: Living with Love

    1. Understanding True Love
    2. Mindfulness, The Basis for Understanding
    3. Understanding, The Basis for Love (& Compassion)
    4. Being Love
    5. The Great Shift (& Living Interbeing)
    6. Lighting Up the World with Great Compassion

Our Last Moment Thank You About the Author More from Matt Valentine

Keep in mind that this is still open for change. I've written a ton for the book and am being very specific with what I include in the book and what I don't for various reasons.

The good news is, that means I've got a ton of great supporting material which I'll be including as bonus audio and video lessons, meditations, and maybe even some guides that have to do with certain sections of the book. All really useful content that will help you take the material in the book that much further.

And as I mentioned earlier, go to to sign up for notifications if you want to know when new information is released!

Anyway, I hope you liked that little sneak peek and I can't wait to bring the book to you soon!

